Funeral Procedures of Foreigners in Turkey

Funeral Procedures of Foreigners in Turkey

Foreign nationals who have died in Turkey must fulfil certain procedures for funeral transport abroad to the country they belong to....
German New Dual Citizenship Regulation and Turkish-German Dual Citizenship

German New Dual Citizenship Regulation and Turkish-German Dual Citizenship

Germany has largely lifted its strict restrictions on dual citizenship by enacting a new citizenship law as of 2024. This regulation...
How to Collect a Foreign Individual's Debt in Turkey?

How Can a Foreign Individual or Entity Collect a Debt in Turkey?

Foreign individuals or legal entities who do not hold Turkish citizenship can enter into debt relationships as a result of their...
Commercial Law

Dissolution of the Ordinary Partnership and Legal Procedures

Liquidation of Ordinary Partnership: Legal Processes Regarding Liquidation of Partnership, Partnership Obligations and Rights of Partners in Liquidation of Partnership in...
What is the Crime of Obtaining, Giving or Disseminating Personal Data?

What is the Crime of Obtaining, Giving or Disseminating Personal Data?

The crime of unlawfully giving or obtaining personal data occurs by unlawfully obtaining, giving or disseminating personal information that should remain...
How to Establish an Agency for Airline Ticket Sales?

How to Establish an Agency for Airline Ticket Sales?

Establishing an agency for airline ticket sales offers many opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to operate in the sector, but various...
What is Startup Law?

What is Startup Law?

Startup Law encompasses a broad spectrum, from the establishment of companies and their operational processes to intellectual property rights and financing...
What is Removing Content from the Internet or Blocking Access?

What is Removing Content from the Internet or Blocking Access?

Blocking access to a website or web page; It refers to the blocking of access to the URL on the website...
What is the Penalty for Unauthorised and Loud Music Broadcasting?

What is the Penalty for Unauthorised and Loud Music Broadcasting?

Carrying out unauthorised music activities in the venue and broadcasting music in excess of the limit are different actions. It is...
The Crıme Of Use Of Drugs Or Drugs Substance (Article 191 Of The Turkish Penal Code)

The Crıme Of Use Of Drugs Or Drugs Substance (Article 191 Of The Turkish Penal Code)

The Turkish Penal Code No. 5237 lists offenses related to drugs and stimulants under two different headings: – Manufacture and trafficking...
Recognition of Divorce Abroad in Turkey

Recognition of Divorce Abroad in Turkey

In order for a divorce abroad to be recognized in Turkey, a recognition and enforcement decision by the Turkish courts is...
Things To Consider When Buying Real Estate

Things To Consider When Buying Real Estate

Real estate purchase and sale processes are critical transactions where individuals and businesses have the opportunity to acquire property or utilize...
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