Tax Practices in Turkey and Double Taxation

Tax Practices in Turkey and Double Taxation

Some arrangements have been made for the taxation of the income earned from abroad by foreign citizens who are in Turkey...
Offender Transfer Program between the United States of America and Turkey

Offender Transfer Program between the USA and Turkey

How does the extradition program between the United States and Turkey work? In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview...
How to Obtain a Residence Permit for Medical Treatment in Turkey?

Residence Permit for Medical Treatment in Turkey

How to Obtain a Residence Permit for Medical Treatment in Turkey? According to the Law on Foreigners and International Protection No....
Foreigners Getting Married in Turkey

Marriage of Foreigners in Turkey

Marriage of foreigners in Turkey is possible in three cases. The first one is when a Turkish citizen wants to marry...
Türkiye'de Vize Süreleri

Visa Durations and Exemptions in Turkey

Touristic Visa It is a type of visa that foreign citizens coming to Turkey for touristic purposes must apply for. If...
Güneş Güneş Ailesi

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Yurtdışından türkiyeye araç getirmek

How to Bring a Vehicle to Turkey from Abroad?

How to Trade Vehicles? Buying a vehicle from abroad, especially from countries where vehicles are produced, seems quite advantageous on paper....
Türkiye'de yabancı mahkeme kararlarının tanınması

Validity of Foreign Court Judgments in Turkey

Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Court Judgments in Turkey It is not possible for court decisions issued in foreign countries to...
Vergi Zamları

Tax Increases for 2025 are Announced

Tax hikes in 2025 in Turkey: Find out how tax rates will change in our article!
What Is A Dıgıtal Nomad

What Is A Dıgıtal Nomad?

Digital nomads are people who can work remotely and travel freely using technology and the internet. Also known as “digital nomads”,...
Velayet Hakkı Nedir?

What is Custody Rights?

Custody is the right, authority and duty of parents to protect the personality and assets of children and to represent them...
Turkuaz Kart Nedir

What is Turquoise Card?

In line with the international labour force policy, a Turquoise Card shall be issued to foreigners whose applications are deemed appropriate...
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