Ayıplı Mal, Hizmet ve Turizm Ürününün Tanımı ve Yaptırımları

Definition and Sanctions of Defective Goods, Defective Service, Defective Tourism Product

It is known that consumers face great difficulties when they realize the defect of the goods they purchase and want to...
İşyerinde Tartışma ve Kavga

Arguments and Fights at the Workplace

The most common reasons for arguments or fights in a workplace are listed as “unfair distribution of work, competition, excessive stress,...
Arabuluculuk Nedir?

What is Mediation?

Today, the diversity of disputes, the increase in the workload of the courts, the long duration of the proceedings, the increasing...
İşyerinde Psikolojik Taciz

Psychological Harassment at Work

The main responsibility of the parties to an employment relationship is that the employee performs his/her duties properly and the employer...
Ev Sahibi ve Kiracının Yükümlülükleri Nedir?

What are the Obligations of the Landlord and Tenant?

The responsibilities of both the tenant and the landlord in the process of renting a house are determined within the framework...
Borçlar Kanunu’na Göre Kiracı Hakları Nelerdir?

What are Tenant Rights According to the Code of Obligations?

Tenant rights are determined by law to regulate the relationship between the property owner and the lessor. In our country, since...
Kiracının Ev Sahibine Karşı Hakları Nelerdir?

What are the Tenant’s Rights Against the Landlord?

Since 2011, lease agreements are regulated by the “Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098” and not by the “Law No. 6570...
İş Hukukunda İbra

Release in Labor Law

Upon the termination of the employment contract, the release agreements signed by the employer to release the employee are regulated for...
Anonim Şirketlerde Kâr Payı Hakkı

Dividend Right in Joint Stock Companies

Profit is a word of Persian origin. The dictionary meaning of profit is the money gain from shopping. According to another...
Covid-19 Salgını Sürecinde İşverenlerin Hakları ve Yükümlülükleri

Rights and Obligations of Employers During the Corona / Covid-19 Pandemic

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Law and the Code of Obligations, employers must ensure the occupational health and safety of...
Covid-19’un İş Sözleşmelerine Etkileri

Impacts of Coronavirus / Covid-19 on Labor Contracts

Under our Labor Law, employees are required to perform their work as agreed with the employer. Only in very exceptional cases,...
Kiralanan İşyerlerinin COVID-19 Salgını Sürecindeki Durumu

Situation of Rented Workplaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Situation of commercially rented workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemicThe coronavirus outbreak, which has affected the whole world, was declared a pandemic...
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