Anonim Şirketlerde Kâr Payı Hakkı

Dividend Right in Joint Stock Companies

Profit is a word of Persian origin. The dictionary meaning of profit is the money gain from shopping. According to another...
Covid-19 Salgını Sürecinde İşverenlerin Hakları ve Yükümlülükleri

Rights and Obligations of Employers During the Corona / Covid-19 Pandemic

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Law and the Code of Obligations, employers must ensure the occupational health and safety of...
Covid-19’un İş Sözleşmelerine Etkileri

Impacts of Coronavirus / Covid-19 on Labor Contracts

Under our Labor Law, employees are required to perform their work as agreed with the employer. Only in very exceptional cases,...
Kiralanan İşyerlerinin COVID-19 Salgını Sürecindeki Durumu

Situation of Rented Workplaces During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Situation of commercially rented workplaces during the COVID-19 pandemicThe coronavirus outbreak, which has affected the whole world, was declared a pandemic...
Basın İş Kanununa Göre Basın İş Sözleşmesi

Press Labor Contract According to Press Labor Law

a) Making: The employment relationship established between the journalist and his/her employer is based on a service contract. This contract gives...
Kısa Çalışma Ödeneği

Short-Time Working Allowance

Legal and economic basisShort-time Working Allowance on İŞKUR’s website; It is defined as “an application that provides income support to the...
Covid-19’un Turizm ve Tatil Rezervasyonlarına Etkisi

Impact of Coronavirus (Covid-19) on Tourism and Vacation Bookings

With the Coronavirus (Covid-19) declared as a pandemic, there is literally chaos in the tourism sector in Turkey and around the...
navirus (Covid-19) Tanısı Almanın Sağlık Çalışanları ve Özel Sektör Çalışanları İçin “İş Kazası” Olduğu Değerlendirmesi

Evaluation of Coronavirus (Covid-19) Diagnosis as a “Work Accident” for Healthcare Workers and Private Sector Employees:

Within the framework of the principles of social security law and based on the precedent decision of the 21st Civil Chamber...
Covid-19 / Koronavirüs Salgınının Ticari Sözleşmeler Üzerindeki Etkisi

Covid-19 / The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on Commercial Contracts

The coronavirus outbreak is a reality that shows its effects in Turkey as well as all over the world. It is...
Covid-19 Salgını Sebebiyle Yargıda Sürelerin Durdurulması

Suspension of Judicial Periods Due to the Coronavirus / Covid-19 Pandemic

Due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak in our country, some legal periods have been suspended with the...
Covid-19 / Koronavirüs Salgını Sürecinde Kişisel Verilerin Korunması

Covid-19 / Protection of Personal Data During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, employers are requesting various information from their employees and visitors to the workplace to ensure occupational...
Trafik Kazalarında Hukuki Sorumluluk ve Sigorta

Legal Liability and Insurance in Traffic Accidents

Traffic accidents are significant events that bring both material and emotional damages. Knowing your legal responsibilities and insurance rights in such...
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