HOW TO LIFT AN INTERPOL WARRANT?SEARCH WITH RED BULLETIN What is Interpol? Interpol, officially the International Police Organisation, is an international organisation established to fight crime worldwide. Founded in 1923, Interpol is an independent international organisation headquartered in Lyon, France. Interpol helps in the fight against crime by providing information sharing, coordination and co-operation between…
HOW TO PREPARE A MARRIAGE CONTRACT?WHAT DOES A MARRIAGE CONTRACT DO? What is a Marriage Contract? A marriage contract is a contract that married or to be married couples often sign during the marriage phase and in case their marriage ends in the future. It is essentially based on an agreement on the division of…
How to Become a Turkish Citizen? What is the Process of Acquiring Citizenship?Law No. 5901 on Turkish Citizenship addresses the acquisition of citizenship under two main headings: acquisition by birth and subsequent acquisition. Subsequent acquisition of citizenship can be realised through three different methods: The decision of the authorities, adoption procedures and the exercise of…
REQUIREMENTS FOR OBTAINING A RESIDENCE PERMIT RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION REJECTED What is a Residence Permit? A residence permit is an official document that regulates the duration of a foreigner’s stay in Turkey and must be obtained from the Provincial Directorate of Migration Management. The legal framework for the residence permit can be found in legal…
OBJECTION TO DENIAL OF CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION, CANCELLATION OF CITIZENSHIP APPLICATION Why is a Citizenship Application Rejected? What are the Reasons for Rejection of Citizenship Application? A negative result of the citizenship application may occur for various reasons. Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901 clearly states the conditions and characteristics required to obtain Turkish citizenship. If the…
WHAT IS A MALPRACTICE LAWSUIT? HOW TO FILE A MALPRACTICE LAWSUIT? WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES OF MALPRACTICE LAWSUIT? A. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT MALPRACTICE LITIGATION Malpractice generally refers to the defective or erroneous practices of healthcare professionals in medical practice while performing their professions, failure to fulfil the medical intervention or incomplete application of the required…
According to Article 350 of the Turkish Code of Obligations (TCO), the lessor may terminate the lease agreement with a lawsuit if the lessor is obliged to use the leased property due to the need for housing or workplace for himself, his spouse, his descendants, his ascendants or other persons he is obliged to take…
Violating the moral independence of the house by giving the house key to his family, changing the house keys, collecting his wife’s belongings and throwing them in the garbage, the wife changed the house key after the actual separation, the wife tried to prevent the husband from entering the house by changing the house key……
Due to the regulation in Law No. 7226, the party who cannot execute the interim decision or finalized court decision containing the provision of “establishing personal relationship with the joint child” through execution, may apply to the Family Court pursuant to Law No. 6284 in order to temporarily reorganize the personal relationship with the joint…
Turkish Citizens’ Marriages Terminated in Another Country to be Recorded in the Population Registry in TurkeyDue to the regulation under Law No. 7226, the party who cannot execute the interim decision or finalized court decision containing the provision of “establishing personal relationship with the joint child” through execution, may apply to the Family Court in…
Uncontested DivorceAccording to the Turkish Civil Code, a divorce case can be filed in two ways: uncontested divorce and contested divorce. Uncontested divorce is the termination of the marriage union by the spouses freely agreeing on issues such as alimony, division of property, and child custody. Uncontested divorce is stipulated in paragraph 3 of Article…
The most fundamental difficulty in crimes committed during face-to-face communication between people or through a communication tool arises in terms of proof. Victims of crimes who want to prove these non-public conversations, which are mostly between two people, want to make secret voice recordings and request protection from judicial authorities with these voice recordings. However,…