Güneş & Güneş Career: Shape Your Future with Us

At Güneş & Güneş Law Firm, we do not merely solve legal issues; we approach each case with the precision of an artist and provide our clients with innovative, solution-oriented strategies. For us, law is a powerful tool that pushes boundaries, deepens thought, and transforms the world. With this vision, we embrace a dynamic team spirit that is open to learning and growth.

If you:

    • Want to showcase your creativity and originality in the field of law,
    • Continuously improve your professional skills by following sector innovations,
    • Combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience to make a difference,
    • Are capable of using at least one foreign language at a professional level with a global perspective,

then you can become a part of the Güneş & Güneş family.

Our goal is not only to build a team of individuals who practice the legal profession, but also to work with leaders who will redefine the law and shape the future.

Are you ready to take the next step in your career? Contact us and let’s explore legal boundaries together.

Active Job Listings

Attorney Proficient in Russian Language
We are seeking an attorney proficient in Russian! As Güneş & Güneş Law Firm, we are looking for an...
Trainee Lawyer Job Advertisement (Fluent in Russian)
As Güneş & Güneş Law Firm, we are looking for an Intern Lawyer with advanced written and verbal communication...

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