How to Become a Turkish Citizen? What is the Process of Acquiring Citizenship?
Law No. 5901 on Turkish Citizenship addresses the acquisition of citizenship under two main headings: acquisition by birth and subsequent acquisition. Subsequent acquisition of citizenship can be realised through three different methods: The decision of the authorities, adoption procedures and the exercise of the right to vote. In addition, the situation of Turkish citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and those who lost their citizenship according to the former Law No. 403 is also regulated in a special way.
During the naturalisation process, you must submit your application to the relevant authority together with the documents required for your naturalisation status. The required documents and the authority where the application will be made vary according to your application status.
What Do You Need to Do to Become a Turkish Citizen? How to Become a Turkish Citizen Later?
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Turkish Citizenship Law No. 5901
Foreigners who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship
a) The person is an adult under his/her own national law or, if he/she is stateless, under Turkish law and has the capacity to distinguish
to have,
b) To reside in Turkey for an uninterrupted period of five years prior to the date of application,
c) to confirm by their behaviour that they have decided to settle in Turkey,
d) Not having a disease that poses a danger to general health,
e) To have good morals,
f) To be able to speak Turkish sufficiently,
g) In Turkey, he/she will be able to provide for himself/herself and his/her dependents
have an income or occupation,
h) Not having an obstacle in terms of national security and public order,
conditions are sought. It is stated
Persons who fulfil these conditions will be able to acquire Turkish citizenship. However, there are also some exceptional ways to gain Turkish citizenship later.
How to Gain Turkish Citizenship by Buying Property? Can You Gain Turkish Citizenship by Buying a House? How Much House Should I Buy to Become a Turkish Citizen?
Article 20 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law According to Article 20 of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law, “A person who has purchased a property worth at least 400.000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency with the condition that an annotation not to be sold for three years is put on the title deed records, or a condominium or a condominium easement has been established, with a value of at least 400. 000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency amount has been deposited in advance and it has been determined by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanisation and Climate Change that the sale of the immovable has been promised with a notarised contract on the condition that the commitment that it will not be transferred and abandoned for three years is annotated in the title deed registry (…)”, foreigners are given the right to Turkish citizenship if they buy a house worth $400,000 or equivalent.
Foreign citizens are offered the opportunity to acquire Turkish citizenship through a special process when they purchase real estate worth $400,000 or more.
Within this framework, foreigners are required to fulfil the following conditions:
They must purchase real estate worth at least USD 400,000.
In their citizenship application, they must clearly state that they purchased the real estate for this purpose. In addition, this reason must be stated in the title deed and the foreigner must undertake in the application form that he/she will not sell the real estate for three years.
When the title deed procedures are completed, the foreigner may apply to the relevant administrations and request a certificate of eligibility to be issued proving his/her status as a real estate owner. After receiving this document, they can apply for a residence permit or citizenship.
So what are the documents required to gain Turkish citizenship in this way?
A-) What are the Documents Required to Become a Turkish Citizen by Buying a Property?
People who want to become a Turkish citizen by purchasing real estate should follow some procedures from the moment they buy the real estate. Foreign nationals who fulfil the conditions written above need the following documents to apply for Turkish citizenship;
Form petition stating the citizenship request.
Passport or similar document showing which state the person is a citizen of, and if the person is stateless, a document related to this if it is possible to obtain it.
Civil status certificate and marriage certificate if married, divorce certificate if divorced, death certificate of the spouse if widowed.
A document such as a birth certificate or a sample of civil registration showing the identity information of the person and, if married, a sample of civil registration or a similar document proving the family ties of the spouse and children.
If the person has first or second degree relatives who are Turkish citizens, a copy of the population record taken from the system by the application authorities.
Receipt showing that the service fee has been deposited to the Treasury.
B-) What is the Application Process for Becoming a Turkish Citizen by Buying Real Estate? How to Apply for Turkish Citizenship by Buying Property?
The process required for people who want to gain citizenship is as follows: As a first step, you must purchase real estate worth at least 400 thousand dollars and then apply to the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre. With the acceptance of this application, your request for Turkish citizenship is received.
The value of your real estate is documented with the Real Estate Valuation Report and sent to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation. After approval by the Ministry, the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre will add the annotation that your property cannot be sold for three years.
After this stage, in order to complete your citizenship application, you send your application to the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs and reach the final stage of the process. You are then entitled to receive your Republic of Turkey identity card by completing the procedures of the population directorate.
During the process of completing the citizenship application process, you may also need to obtain a residence permit through real estate. This permit will be necessary for you to live in your home until you have citizenship.
Since your application process is a meticulous and careful process, we recommend that you work with an expert. You can contact us…
Obtaining Turkish Citizenship through Investment. How to Become a Turkish Citizen by Investment?
With the Presidential Decree No. 106 published in the Official Gazette on 19 September 2018 and the amendments made by the Presidential Decree No. 418 published in the Official Gazette on 7 December 2018, foreigners must fulfil one of the following conditions in order to acquire Turkish citizenship:
Having invested at least USD 500.000 or its equivalent in foreign currency or Turkish Lira for the fixed capital investment determined by the Ministry of Industry and Technology,
To have created employment for at least 50 people determined by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services,
In line with the conditions determined by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency, to have deposited at least USD 500.000 or its equivalent in foreign currency or Turkish Lira in banks operating in Turkey for three (3) years,
In accordance with the conditions determined by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, to have held Government debt instruments amounting to at least USD 500.000 or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish Lira for three (3) years,
According to the conditions determined by the Capital Markets Board, to have held real estate investment fund participation shares or venture capital investment fund participation shares amounting to at least 500,000 US Dollars or equivalent foreign currency or Turkish Lira for three (3) years.
A-) How to Apply for Turkish Citizenship by Investment? Where to Apply to Become a Turkish Citizen by Investment?
The procedure for gaining Turkish citizenship through investment varies according to each investment type. However, the steps required for all investment types in the application process are generally as follows:
- The Ministry of Interior sends written instructions to foreigners who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship in an exceptional way. Then, the relevant authority is involved, which collects the necessary documents to create the applicant’s citizenship application file.
- Then, a letter is written to the Security Directorate and a Security Investigation is requested to determine whether the applicant poses any threat to public security and public order.
- After the positive outcome of these steps, the relevant authority authorised to issue a certificate of eligibility (specified as a different authority for each investment route) checks whether the application is eligible for citizenship and sends it to the Council of Ministers for a final decision. The result of the assessment is submitted to the President of the Republic.
- Finally, the President of the Republic is authorised to decide on acceptance or rejection. The person who receives the President’s approval is recognised as a Turkish citizen.
Once the above-mentioned conditions are fulfilled, the citizenship application is forwarded to the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs. However, the institutions that will determine whether these conditions are fulfilled are determined separately for each of them.
The most important step to become a Turkish citizen through investment is to obtain a certificate of conformity. The authority to which you need to apply will vary according to the nature of the investment you make to realise this step.
The authorities to apply according to the nature of the investment to be made are as follows:
The evaluation of individuals who make a capital investment of at least 500,000 US Dollars (USD) is carried out by the Ministry of Industry and Technology.
The evaluation of individuals who employ at least 50 people is carried out by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services.
Individuals who deposit at least USD 500,000 worth of deposits in banks in Turkey are assessed by the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency and the deposits must be kept for 3 years.
Persons who purchase government debt instruments worth at least USD 500.000 are assessed by the Ministry of Treasury and Finance and these instruments must be held for 3 years.
Persons who purchase at least USD 500.000 worth of real estate investment fund participation shares or venture capital investment fund participation shares are evaluated by the Capital Markets Board and these shares must be held for at least 3 years.
B-) What are the Documents Required for Turkish Citizenship by Investment Application?
Application Form
Birth certificate
2 biometric photographs
Certificate of marital status
Documents showing investment
Passport and notarised Turkish translation
Real estate valuation report
Full birth registration copy
Fee payment receipt for fees paid
Gaining Citizenship by Marrying a Turkish Citizen. How to Become a Turkish Citizen by Marriage? What are the Conditions for Becoming a Turkish Citizen through Marriage?
One of the ways to become a Turkish citizen is the right to become a Turkish citizen through marriage.
The conditions for acquiring Turkish citizenship through marriage are detailed in Article 16 of the Citizenship Law No. 5901. If these conditions are fulfilled, the foreign individual can exercise the right to become a Turkish citizen.
Accordingly, the conditions for acquiring Turkish citizenship through marriage are as explained below:
Staying married for at least 3 years
One of the conditions for acquiring Turkish citizenship through marriage is that the marriage with a Turkish citizen must have lasted for at least 3 years. This requirement is clearly stated in paragraph 1 of Article 16 of Law No. 5901. Therefore, it is understood that a foreigner cannot become a Turkish citizen directly upon marriage with a Turkish citizen. It is a condition to be married for at least 3 years.
Living in Family Unity Condition
In the process of acquiring Turkish citizenship through marriage, the condition of living in family unity is also sought. The assessment of the existence of this condition will be carried out by the Ministry. The examination will be carried out by the Provincial Security Directorate. If the Turkish citizen spouse of the foreigner who fulfils the other conditions dies, the condition of living in family unity will not be sought.
Avoiding Activities Incompatible with the Marital Union
Foreigners who aim to acquire Turkish citizenship through marriage should refrain from activities that are incompatible with the marriage union. Examples of such activities include prostitution or mediating prostitution.
Absence of any harm to national security and public order
The foreigner applying for citizenship should not have any situation that may harm national security and public order. These situations may include membership, connection, relationship and membership to terrorist organisations.
In addition, Article 25, paragraph 1, subparagraph (c) of the Regulation on the Implementation of the Turkish Citizenship Law stipulates that the applications of “those who are under trial for any offence or who are convicted or detained” will not be accepted. In other words, those who have an open criminal investigation or criminal case, or those who are under arrest or convicted cannot acquire Turkish citizenship through marriage.
Where to Apply to Become a Turkish Citizen by Marriage? What are the Documents Required to Become a Turkish Citizen by Marriage?
Applications to acquire Turkish citizenship through marriage can be made both inside and outside the country. While applications are made to the governorships within the country, applications can be made to foreign representative offices abroad. Applications can be made by individuals themselves or by a lawyer, depending on their preference. However, the applications of individuals who do not have the ability to distinguish and who are minors must be made by their parents or guardians.
The following documents are required for your application to acquire Turkish citizenship by marriage:
Citizenship application form available on the website of the General Directorate of Population and Citizenship Affairs
Passport or statelessness certificate with notarised Turkish translation
Certified Turkish translation of the birth registration certificate
Civil registration copy of the spouse who is a Turkish citizen
Copy of marriage certificate
Two biometric photographs taken within the last six months
Declaration of the paid citizenship application service fee
In case the applicant is resident in Turkey, the current residence permit document
A certified copy of the finalised court decision for any offence, if any
The citizenship application made to the governorship or foreign representative offices will be finalised within 5-6 months on average. Working with a professional will ensure that your application process is completed in a healthier and shorter time. You can contact us…
How to Obtain Citizenship through Adoption? If a Foreign Child is Adopted, Can the Child Obtain Turkish Citizenship?
The law recognises the existence of certain conditions for Foreign Adoptees to obtain Turkish Citizenship. According to Article 18 of the Law on Private International Law and Procedural Law, the authorisation and conditions for adoption are determined based on the national laws of the parties. Accordingly, the following conditions are stipulated in the Turkish Legislation through Adoption in order to gain Turkish Citizenship.
The valid adoption conditions in the Turkish Civil Code must be met.
The person to be adopted must not have any obstacle in terms of national security and public order, especially for minors.
The adopted person must be a minor. In this case, whether the person is a minor is determined according to his/her national law or, if he/she is stateless, according to the Turkish Civil Code.
When the above conditions are met, the adoptee is deemed to have acquired Turkish Citizenship after the court decision.
The documents to be requested from you for your application to complete the citizenship application of the child who has acquired Turkish citizenship are as follows:
Form petition stating the adopter’s request
Birth certificate
Birth report issued on the basis of birth certificate
Passport or similar document showing which state the person is a citizen of, and if stateless, a document related to this if it is possible to obtain it
Birth registration copy of the adoptee taken from the system by the application authorities
Receipt showing that the service fee has been deposited to the Finance Office.
How TRNC Citizens Become Turkish Citizens? Do TRNC Citizens Have the Right to Become Turkish Citizens?
Article 42 of the Citizenship Law No. 5901, which entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette on 12.09.2009, stipulates that Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) citizens who apply to acquire Turkish citizenship can acquire Turkish citizenship if they declare in writing that they want to become Turkish citizens.
TRNC Citizens have special procedures for their own status to acquire Turkish citizenship. Accordingly, the application process is as follows:
- Application Authority and Procedure
The applications of persons who are TRNC citizens by birth for naturalisation to Turkish citizenship are made to the governorate where they reside domestically and to the foreign representative offices abroad in person or with a special power of attorney issued for the exercise of this right. - Status of TRNC Citizens Afterwards
By facilitating the acquisition of Turkish citizenship by TRNC citizens, it is sufficient for persons who are TRNC citizens by birth to declare that they wish to acquire Turkish citizenship, whereas the provision of paragraph 2 of Article 42 of the Law will apply to persons who are not TRNC citizens by birth but who subsequently acquire TRNC citizenship. In other words, persons who are TRNC citizens by birth and who wish to acquire Turkish citizenship will be able to make their applications by the decision of the competent authority in accordance with the provisions regarding the acquisition of Turkish citizenship in a general way, provided that they meet all the conditions stipulated in Article 11 of the Law.
Persons who have acquired TRNC citizenship subsequently will be subject to general provisions in their applications for naturalisation to Turkish citizenship. Therefore, even if these persons meet all the conditions stipulated in the Law, they may not be naturalised by the competent authority. The applications of persons who are TRNC citizens by birth for naturalisation to Turkish citizenship will be accepted by the administration if they meet the general Turkish citizenship conditions required by the Law.
Why is the Citizenship Application Rejected? What should be done if the citizenship application is rejected?
The negative outcome of the application, also known as the rejection of the citizenship application, may occur for various reasons. Within the scope of the Turkish Citizenship Law (No. 5901), the conditions and characteristics required to acquire Turkish citizenship are clearly stated. If the competent administrative authorities decide that the person seeking to acquire Turkish citizenship does not meet any of these conditions, they reject the application.
In this context, it would be useful to briefly, albeit superficially, outline the conditions for acquiring Turkish citizenship. This is because the main reason for rejecting the application is that the administration believes that the applicant does not fulfil one or more of these conditions.
It should be noted that the fact that a person fulfils all the legal requirements does not automatically entitle that person to acquire Turkish citizenship. The competent Turkish authorities make their decision by using their discretionary powers after examining the applicant.
Appeal to the Administration as a Result of the Rejection of the Citizenship Application
If the application for Turkish citizenship is rejected, the person whose application is rejected has the right to appeal this decision. This appeal is considered as an appeal to the administrative authorities. The administrative authority where citizenship applications are evaluated and finalised is the Directorates of Population and Citizenship Affairs within the Ministry of Interior.
A foreigner who has applied for Turkish citizenship and whose application has been rejected by the relevant units of the Ministry of Interior has several options. Firstly, he or she has the right to appeal to the administrative authority that made the decision, and this appeal period includes 60 days to file an action for cancellation in court. He or she also has the right to bring an action for annulment directly against the decision in question before the administrative court, as explained below.
If the person chooses to appeal to the administrative authority in the first instance, this appeal stops the 60-day period for bringing an action for annulment and the person waits for the administrative authority’s response. If the administrative authority does not respond within 30 days, the request for appeal is deemed rejected and the 60-day period for the right to file an annulment action in the administrative court continues to run.
How to file an action for cancellation of citizenship application? How does the judicial process proceed if the citizenship application is rejected?
A person whose citizenship application has been rejected also has the option to file an annulment lawsuit with a request for stay of execution directly at the Administrative Court. In this case, the foreigner must file a lawsuit within 60 days from the date of notification of the rejection decision. This period is considered as a suspensive period. The lawsuit to be filed for the cancellation of the decision to reject the citizenship application is a lawsuit for the cancellation of the administrative act. Therefore, the aforementioned lawsuit will completely annul the decision to reject the citizenship application, which is alleged to be unlawful.
The submission of the interview form prepared by the citizenship application examination commission for the interviewed foreigners to the Ministry of Interior indicates that the stage at which the citizenship application will be finalised has been reached. At this stage, the Ministry of Interior decides whether to accept or reject the application. However, as per the law, even if all the conditions for applying for Turkish citizenship are met, it is not obligatory to grant citizenship to the foreigner and the administration has a wide discretionary power in this regard.
This discretion is not unlimited and the administration must act within certain limits when making a decision. As mentioned above, the person whose citizenship application has been rejected may file a lawsuit directly. However, if the person has appealed to the administrative authority and the administrative authority has not responded or has issued a rejection decision despite the appeal, he/she may choose to file a lawsuit.
The time limit for filing a lawsuit is 60 days and this period starts to run from the date of notification of the decision to reject the application for Turkish citizenship.
To which court should the lawsuit be filed as a result of the rejection of the citizenship application?
In case the application for obtaining Turkish citizenship is rejected by the administration, the application authority for the cancellation lawsuit to be filed should be the Ministry of Interior. Therefore, the competent and competent court for such cases is Ankara Administrative Courts.