A short-term residence permit is a type of residence permit that allows non-Turkish citizens to stay in Turkey longer than the visa or visa exemption periods if they meet the necessary conditions.
Short-term residence permits have specific requirements that applicants must meet. These conditions are regulated in Article 32 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection. So what are these conditions?
What are the Conditions for a Short-Term Residence Permit?
In accordance with Article 32 of the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, foreigners who wish to obtain a short-term residence permit in Turkey must meet the following requirements
- Be one of the foreigners who are not allowed to enter Turkey
- To have housing conditions in accordance with general health and safety standards
- If requested, to submit a document showing the criminal record issued by the competent authorities of the country of citizenship or legal residence
- Providing the address where he/she will stay in Turkey
On the other hand, the place that the person shows as the place of residence must be a residence. In other words, people cannot apply for a residence permit by showing places such as shops, land, etc. as addresses.
Persons who meet these basic conditions can apply for a short-term residence permit in Turkey if they are eligible for one of the grounds presented in the relevant law.
Who Can Obtain a Short-Term Residence Permit?
Short-term residence permit applicants must have one or more of the following grounds:
They will come for scientific research: If the scientific research to be carried out is subject to permission, an application can be made in line with the permission obtained and information on the subject of the research.
Immovable Property Owners in Turkey: Owners of residential immovable property can apply if they use this immovable property as a residence. On the other hand, provided that family members have a partnership on the property, each of them can apply.
Business Contacts or Business Start-ups: If the period requested for the application to be made for this purpose is longer than 3 months, documents such as invitation letters etc. are frequently requested in this direction.
Those who will participate in In-Service Training Programs: It is possible for foreigners to apply for service within the scope of a certain institution/organization. Program information proving this situation may be requested by the administration.
Those who will come for education within the framework of International Agreements and Student Exchange Programs: Foreigners who will come to Turkey in line with programs such as student exchange programs may be granted short-term residence permits. In this ground, this permit will be granted for the duration of the program.
They will stay for tourism purposes: Foreigners making a tourist visit to Turkey are required to obtain a short-term residence permit if their visa or visa exemption period expires. In applications for tourism purposes, statements such as travel plans etc. are taken into consideration in the evaluation.
Those who came to Turkey for treatment: The criterion for these persons is that the patient does not have one of the diseases considered a threat to public health. Health insurance is not required if the foreigner shows that he/she pays all treatment costs. Persons who wish to be in Turkey as a companion of the patient will not be able to benefit from this residence permit.
Transition from Family Residence Permit to Short-Term Residence Permit: Persons who are staying in Turkey with a family residence permit may switch to a short-term residence permit if they do not meet the conditions for a family residence permit. Accordingly, persons who have completed 18 years of age and have been staying in Turkey with a family residence permit for at least 3 years, persons who have been married to a Turkish citizen and have been staying in Turkey with a family residence permit for at least 3 years and have been divorced (no duration requirement is sought for victims of violence) and supportive deceased persons may apply for a short-term residence permit under this ground.
Investors in Turkey, Spouse and Minor or Dependent Children: Persons with this justification may obtain a short-term residence permit for a maximum period of 5 years in line with their investments. Applications to be made on this ground will be made in line with the investments determined by the relevant Presidential decree.
Foreigners who completed their higher education in Turkey: Foreigners who have completed their higher education in Turkey can obtain a one-time short-term residence permit for a maximum of one year if they apply within 6 months of their graduation date.
In addition, TRNC citizens, those who will participate in education, research, internship and courses in Turkey through public institutions and those who will apply for a Turkish language learning course can apply for a short-term residence permit.
What are the Documents Required for a Short-Term Residence Permit Application?
People who apply for a short-term residence permit may be asked for various documents in line with the reasons for application mentioned above. However, there are documents requested in every application. We can list these documents as follows:
- Residence permit application form
- Passport or replacement document valid for at least 60 days after the end of the requested residence permit period
- Biometric photo
- Documents showing financial situation
- Valid health insurance
- For applicants who are registered in the address registration system, a document showing this (Foreigners who are not registered in the system must be registered in the system within 20 days if they obtain a residence permit.
- Document showing the place to stay
Where to Apply for a Short-Term Residence Permit?
Applications are made to the consulates in the country where the foreigner is a citizen or legally resides. On the other hand, applications from Turkey can be made to the Immigration Authority.
Application processes can also be carried out by the lawyer authorized by the applicants with a power of attorney. Lawyer support in residence permit application is very important for the healthy progress of the process.
You can find more comprehensive information about the residence permit application in our article titled General Information on Residence Permit Application and Process.
What Should I Do If My Short-Term Residence Permit Application is Rejected?
The application for a short-term residence permit is rejected if the person does not meet the necessary conditions at all or no longer. In this case, the application process can be started again after the conditions are met again.
On the other hand, if the applications of foreigners who meet the requirements and have progressed the application process correctly are rejected, an annulment lawsuit can be filed to cancel the rejection decision and re-evaluate the application. In this process, we recommend that you seek the support of a lawyer specialized in residence permits.
See Also Residence Permit Application Rejection
Can a Short-Term Residence Permit be Revoked?
Residence permits are generally revoked after they are issued in certain circumstances. These situations are regulated in the relevant law as follows:
- Failure to fulfill or disappearance of one or more of the residence permit conditions
- Determining that the residence permit is used for purposes other than the purpose for which it was issued
- Has a valid ban on deportation or entry into Turkey
In the event that the residence permit is revoked other than in these cases, an action for annulment should be filed in order to annul this action and to continue the residence permit.
How to Apply for Extension of Short-Term Residence Permit?
A foreigner who wishes to reside in Turkey applies for a residence permit by collecting the necessary information and documents. The competent authorities examine the application. According to the law, the examination of applications must be completed within 30 days after the submission of all documents.
After the examination, the competent authority makes a decision on the application. If the decision is positive, the foreigner may stay in Turkey within the period specified for the type of residence permit applied for.
It is also possible for the competent authority to issue a rejection decision. The rejection decision is notified to the person concerned. The foreigner has the right to appeal this decision.
What Should I Do If My Short-Term Residence Permit Extension Application is Rejected?
The foreigner may file a lawsuit against the decision to reject the residence permit application by applying to the Administrative Court within 60 days after the rejection decision is notified to him/her. In case the residence permit application is rejected, the lawsuit shall be filed at the Ankara Administrative Court if the residence permit is obtained from the foreign representative offices, or at the administrative court within the jurisdiction of the governorate if the residence permit is obtained from the governorates.
The lawsuit filed upon the rejection of the residence permit application is a lawsuit for the annulment of an administrative act. If the lawsuit is concluded in favor of the foreigner, the rejection decision taken by the administration is annulled.
Upon rejection of the residence permit application, the foreigner must leave the country within 10 days after the visa or visa exemption expires. If the foreigner does not have a visa or visa exemption, he/she must leave the country within 10 days of being notified of the rejection decision.
The foreigner’s appeal against the rejection decision does not stop the time limit for leaving the country. If the foreigner does not leave the country within the 10-day period, a deportation decision may be taken. In this case, an administrative fine may also be imposed. Therefore, it is extremely important to comply with the deadlines.
In order to prevent this situation, a lawsuit can be filed for the annulment of the refusal of the residence permit with a request for a stay of execution. In this case, a stay of execution may be granted, taking into account that irreparable damages may occur if the relevant decision is implemented while the case is pending. In this case, no deportation order will be issued against foreigners.
How Many Years Is a Short-Term Residence Permit Granted?
Short-term residence permits are usually granted for 2 years. However, in exceptional cases and for different application grounds, these periods vary.
How Long Does a Short-Term Residence Permit Take?
After the residence permit application is made, the result is usually issued within 1 month. However, this period may vary in line with factors such as intensity etc.
What are the Documents Required for Short-Term Residence Permit Extension Application?
Updated versions of the documents submitted for the initial application must also be submitted for the extension application.
Why is a Residence Permit Extension Application Rejected?
Extension applications are rejected on the grounds that the person is banned from entering Turkey, misuse, deportation or entry ban, not meeting the required conditions and being in Turkey for more than 120 days in the last 1 year.