Güneş & Güneş Law Office provides comprehensive legal support and attorney services to its clients in various areas such as yacht and boat buying and selling, leasing, construction, and management. Yacht law is a specialized field that involves maritime and commercial regulations, as well as international legislation, requiring expert knowledge. We offer strategic solutions to our clients across a wide range of services, from yacht and boat sales agreements to marina issues, yacht insurance, taxation, and yacht financing.

Our services in this field regulate all the legal processes for yacht and boat owners, minimize their risks, and safeguard their commercial activities. With its experience and expertise in yacht law and litigation, Güneş & Güneş Law Office provides effective and solution-oriented support to its clients.

Yacht Law

Our Legal Services in Yacht Law

1. Yacht Purchase and Sale Agreements

  • We provide legal support and consultancy services in preparing yacht (boat) purchase and sale agreements. We ensure the protection of the parties’ rights and the safeguarding of contract terms.

2. Yacht Construction Agreements

  • We offer legal consultancy and support in the preparation and negotiation of yacht construction agreements. This includes organizing the legal aspects of the construction process.

3. Contract Negotiations and Ship Registration

  • We provide representation services during yacht law-related contract negotiations and manage the legal processes involved in sales transactions and ship registration procedures.

4. Yacht Registration and Sailing Permit Procedures

  • We offer legal support and follow-up services for yacht or boat registration applications, obtaining a sailing permit (Transitlog), and handling notarization, port, and registry procedures.

5. Yacht Leasing, Management, and Repair Agreements

  • We provide legal consultancy and follow-up services in drafting yacht lease agreements, yacht operation and management agreements, and refit and repair agreements, as well as resolving disputes arising from these contracts.

6. Possessory Lien and Mortgage Rights on Yachts

  • We offer legal support and representation in enforcing possessory liens and legal mortgage rights on yachts, as well as in the cancellation of such decisions.

7. Sale of Yacht via Enforcement and Debt Collection

  • We facilitate the sale of yachts (boats) through enforcement auctions for debt collection and manage the entire process.

8. Yacht Docking and Marina-Related Legal Services

  • We provide legal consultancy in drafting yacht docking agreements and resolving legal issues related to marinas. We also offer representation in negotiations with marinas.

9. Yacht Financing and Insurance

  • We offer legal consultancy services regarding yacht financing, yacht insurance, and yacht taxation. We provide proper guidance on yacht owners’ insurance policies and tax obligations.

Why Gunes & Gunes Law Firm?

26 Years of Experience

We have been providing legal consultancy services to our clients since 1999.

30 Person Team

We are a family of 30 people, with our lawyers and assistant teammates who are experts in different fields of work.

Service in 4 Languages

Internationally, we provide native language-level legal advice in Turkish, English, German and Russian.

48 Different Practice Areas

We provide legal support to our clients in many different fields of work.

Strong Representation in Yacht Law and Commercial Activities

Yacht law is an area shaped by complex legal regulations and international legislative requirements. Güneş & Güneş Law Firm ensures the legal processes of yacht and boat owners are protected, enabling them to carry out their commercial activities in the most efficient way. We provide legal support in a wide range of areas, from yacht buying and selling to insurance and tax regulations.

With our legal consultancy and advocacy services, we are with our clients at every stage to help them safely continue their yacht and maritime activities. For detailed information and professional support, feel free to contact us.


Yacht Insurance
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